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Freedom from Chronic Back Pain Program​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Follow Through Lessons

Lesson 1

Daily Habits Printout + Back to movements and positions - SLOWLY

Hi, once again congratulations for starting your healing journey. In the end for me it was one of the richest and most positive experiences of my life, and I wish you all the best. Remember that during this process, it is best to take a “fast” from negative back pain information. Avoid talking about pain to people and avoid reading about negative cases. You have had enough of that. Give the positive a chance.

Before you start, remember that you have most likely unknowingly trained your body to be hyper-sensitive around pain and now you can benefit from gradual retraining. You are going to train your body and mind to let you move more freely, and to allow you to relax.

To start, pick the low-hanging fruit. Imagine the least scary things you could do on a physical level. Go back to what you wrote about the positions and activities you avoid and choose something to do. Choose something that once you do, will give you a sense of pride or just a feeling that you are more like you were before the pain. If you experience a little pain don’t worry, just breathe and accept it, but I have said many times, don’t go too far too fast. Remember you are breaking through the over-sensitivity, but you don’t want to freak yourself out by creating strong sensations.

From time to time through the activity repeat your 100% positive phrase that you created in the initial training to keep you motivated and to remind you of what you know.

Notice how you feel the next day. Take pride in knowing you have taken a little bit of your life back. If there is a little pain, don’t worry. Think about the freedom!

Here is a reminder of the steps in "Action Reprogramming":

Mental preparation

Movement decomposition

Gradual exposure with rewards

Mental and physical expansion

Print out this pdf and put it up where you can see it every day.

All the best